We’re going to vote, are you?

On February 23, YOU will decide our future. At a time of political and social upheaval – here at home and around the world – your vote is more important than ever. If you don’t vote, you let others decide your life.
It’s about our rights, our freedom, our future of solidarity. It’s about opposing the rise of fascism and fighting for a future of equality. And it is about whether we continue to promote a society that is there for everyone or in which discrimination, rent-seeking and the fear of attacks are given even more space. Whether fascists can create majorities in parliaments. We can influence all of this together – especially for those who cannot make themselves heard.

But good decisions need good information. Get knowledge from trustworthy sources, question what you read, check the facts and recognize who is really fighting for a just, supportive and free future. You can find some links here:



Yes, even after the election we must continue to fight for a better society. But a democracy without fascists in government is a big step in the right direction. Because the struggles for a just future will be easier with a democratic majority if fascists are not in charge of our country. Of course, many problems such as underfunding of education, high rents and low wages will not simply disappear with the election. But with a strong democratic majority, we can take the first step in the right direction.
It’s about our rights, our freedom, our future based on solidarity. So: Go vote and show that your vote is a powerful weapon against hatred and injustice!